
Archive for September, 2007

I’m really happy that the start of this school year has been so positive for me.  Not only do I love my classes, but I have been able to manage my life outside of school so much better.

I’ve set up some routines for myself that allow me to keep up with everything and feel really organized.  It’s so nice to come home to a clean place.  I love knowing that someone could just drop by and things look great.  I think the decorating has really inspired me to keep up with the house and make sure everything stays in its proper place — even when things get hectic.

The one thing I haven’t been as diligent about is working out.  I had it all set — I was going to get up at 5:30 on the mornings when I have my prep period.  Every other day I’d be able to work out and feel great about starting out the day with exercise already done.  So far, I’ve only done it a few times.  Not a good track record, I know.  I think the main thing is that I’m such a night owl that I cannot make myself go to bed before 11:30 or 12.  Of course if I stay up this late, there’s no way I’m jumping out of bed at 5:30am.  So I think I’m going to challenge myself to start going to bed by 10pm each night.  I realize it’s already well past that time right now, but it’s a good plan, right?  I’m going to start on Sunday night and hope to get myself into a groove of getting enough sleep so that 5:30 isn’t quite as daunting.  I’m very motivated, so hopefully I’ll be able to will myself to do it.

The weight loss has still been going really well, despite the lack of exercise.  Last Friday I lost 1.9lbs, which is great.   I’m on track with my 8.33lbs per month to make the 100lb goal by next August.  I know that once I start really exercising on a regular basis the weight will come off more consistently, and I’ll firm up and lose more inches, was well.  Something to look forward to, for sure.

Ever since school started I don’t seem to have much time to write on this blog, which upsets me.  I had so much fun over the summer writing several times a week, but now that school is in full swing, I just don’t seem to have the time.  Plus, not as much is going on outside of school for me during the week.  And I know that none of you want to read about what the students are saying in my American Lit. classes.  🙂  Well, maybe you do, but I don’t want this to become a blog all about teaching.  I really want to keep it as a record of my life outside of school.

I do have some fun plans this weekend, so hopefully a nice blog entry will be in the works for Sunday.  Until then, enjoy the other blogs in my blogroll!

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School has started and things are getting back to their hectic nature, which means that my blog is going to be updated less frequently than in the summer. I do have quite a few things to share, but just have to find some time to write it all out.

As for a mini-update:

This year is going to be spectacular. I really do think that my positive attitude going into it is having a nice effect. The students are all (mostly) bright, eager to learn, and enthusiastic. I’m excited about what we’re going to be able to do together, especially in my yearbook and journalism classes.

I’ve been managing my workload fairly well. I’ve stuck pretty well to staying after school a few hours each day Tues. – Thurs., although these first two weeks I got a lot more “organizing” done than grading. But, it has to be done. Plus, I’ve had lots of visits after school from fellow teachers and former students who want to come by and chat. Always nice, but not a good way to get anything done. Hopefully the chatting will die down now that school is in full force and teachers have assignments to grade.

I’ve begun a meditation class which I love! This class is through the same Dharma Center that I took the Buddhism in a Nutshell class. The great thing about this class is that it has practical applications. So, after we learn how to sit in a certain posture, we try it out. I missed class this week because of terrible allergies, but I’m looking forward to next week’s class. Hopefully I can catch up.

Grad school is going well, although I must admit that I’ve been much more lax about my reading assignments than I was last year. I need to get back on track with it, because I know that down the line it will effect me.

I’ve been spending lots of time with family and friends, and having a ball doing it. Last week BeachGirl, CBCB, and I went up to CTLB’s place in SF and had a great night celebrating the beginning of the school year. The next day we hit all of the Labor Day sales in Union Square. And we did some damage, let me tell you! But cute shoes are worth the price, right? Today I’m going back to SF for a Giants/Dodgers game with BFF. I’m really looking forward to the game, since the rivalry between the two teams is ridiculous. It should be a great time.

My duplex is almost all the way re-decorated. All I really have to get now are the bookcases for the bedroom, but after all of the spending lately (see the Labor Day sales above), I’m going to have to wait for a bit before I buy the bookcases at IKEA. I’ll post those pictures soon, I promise.

All in all, I’ve been busy, but in a good way. A balanced way that I know will lead me to enjoying my year without teetering on the brink of madness, as I was last year.

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