
Archive for May, 2007

I am forcing myself to get my grading done, so until my stack dwindles significantly, I won’t be writing another entry.

Don’t worry, this won’t last long, for several reasons:

1. I only have 2 1/2 weeks of school left, so it has to be done by then. We’re down to the do or die time.
2. I know I can’t hold out for very long without writing a blog entry. This has become so much a part of my (almost) daily routine that I don’t think I’ll feel like myself if I don’t write soon.
3. I have a couple of fun things planned for this weekend that I will have to fill you in on. Yes, believe it or not, I am going to get outside the house this weekend, even though I have lots of aforementioned grading to do. You only live once, right?

So, forgive me if you don’t see a new blog entry for a few days or so. To keep yourself occupied, why not re-read some of the older posts? j/k. I have tons of great blogs on my blogroll — go check them out if you need some escapist reading for the next few days.


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A must-read

Being an English major and an English teacher, I’m never without a book to read. Besides the books I read and re-read to prepare for the classes I teach and the books I’ve been assigned to read for my grad school program, I always have another book lined up to read for pleasure.

Reading is more than a hobby with me — it’s part of what makes me tick. If for some odd reason I’m without a book, I feel an overwhelming need to head to a bookstore and pick a few new titles up. I simply don’t feel myself if there’s not something to engage my mind before bedtime. Magazines just don’t cut it, although I love reading those too. No, for my “soul nourishment” I need to have a book that I’ve carefully selected and plan to relish.

At times it’s difficult to find a book that meets my requirements: a book with some literary merit, engaging characters and plot, and the ability to teach me something about life, in one way or another. Most of the time I choose fiction, for that is my greatest love, but once in a while a memoir or non-fiction title works out better than expected.

I recently joined a book club started by a group of friends I’ve known since high school. (Actually, all of the girls were in my sister’s class, but we ended up staying in touch and getting together much more than I have with anyone I graduated with). I’ve tried to join book clubs in the past, but without success. While everyone else was content to get together under the premise of “talking about the book,” the real reason they were there was to share an evening of wine and food. Not that I have anything against a night of wine and food, mind you, but being the English teacher that I am, I really love discussing books. One book club I joined was filled with too many trite titles that I hated reading, and it takes a lot for me to say I hate a book.

I went into this book club with the hopes that we’d actually discuss the books in between sips and bites. And we did! I actually missed our first meeting because the plumber was installing my new, beautiful bathroom sink. I hadn’t actually finished that book anyway, so it was just as well that I didn’t attend. The second selection for the club was a book that I’d heard very little about, but was intrigued by, just from the blurb on amazon.com.

eatpraylove.jpg The book is called Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, and it is one of the best books I have read in years. Gilbert’s writing style allows you to become a part of the journey that she’s describing. She’s down-to-earth, self-deprecating, open-minded, and above all, funny. Plus, her journey of self re-discovery really struck a cord with me. I love the way she has structured the book into 3 sections, with 39 parts in each, using Indian prayer beads as her model.

Reading this book, I could relate to so much of her struggle with not feeling as if she was living her authentic life. Sure, she was married to a great man, owned a beautiful house, and had an enviable job. But her life didn’t feel like it “fit” for her. She embarks on a journey through 3 countries: Italy, where she experiences pleasure; India, where she gets more in tune with her spiritual side; and Indonesia (Bali), where she tries to find a balance of the two. (I won’t give away any of the plot, because I want you to read this book).

Besides being a really fast read, this book made me look at my life more closely. For a while now, I’ve been feeling as if I need to get become more spiritual. I’ve never been an overly religious person, even though I went through 12 years of Catholic school, but lately I have been feeling like I should try to connect with that side of myself. Not that I want to attend mass, necessarily.

Ever since high school when I took Comparitive Religions, I’ve been really interested in eastern philosophy/religion. I visited a Buddhist temple for extra credit in the class, and came away feeling really calm. I remember telling my mom that I wish I could be Buddhist. I liked the idea of each person reaching their personal Nirvana, without the guilt and rules and dogma that is found in the Catholic church. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against the Catholic religion. Sure, there are a lot of outdated ideas and practices, and I haven’t been to mass in years (Christmas Eve doesn’t count), but if anyone were to ask me what my religion is, I’d say Catholic out of habit.

I was drawn to Gilbert’s descriptions of her time at an ashram in India following her guru. Some of it sounded a bit too “new age” for me, but there was a serenity in her descriptions of meditation.

As it turns out, one of the girls at the book club brought up the fact that her husband leads group meditation at a place right outside of my neighborhood. Her husband has studied with Deepak Chopra and has been to India several times. She said that he leads a group meditation every Thursday night at 6:30, and that it’s free. He also teaches classes every so often on the philosophy behind meditation, which I find fascinating. So, I think I may just drop in on one of these group meditations. I think it might be very interesting to see what happens and if I connect with it or not. If anything, it will be a new experience.

Oh, and this book club was everything I hoped it would be. Sure, we sipped and nibbled, but we also discussed the book at length. I got a deeper understanding of certain parts after hearing what other people had to say about it. Exactly what should happen at a book club, don’t you think?

Another benefit of this book club: I got to create a new Evite, feeding my addiction. You see, I chose our next book and I’ll be hosting the next meeting.

The new book is definitely in the Chick Lit/Beach Book genre. It’s light reading for summer. It’s called The Next Thing on My List by Jill Smolinski. The thing I like about this book is that the protagonist decides to complete a “life list” started by an acquaintance of hers who died unexpectedly due to a car accident they were involved in. The character who died had a list of 20 things she wanted to complete before she turned 25, and since she died before she could do most of them, the main character decides to complete the list for her.

Ever English teacher, the “assignment” I gave the book club was to bring their own list of 10-20 things they want to do before they die. It should be really interesting to hear what everyone comes up with.

I know that one of the items on my list is going to be “attend group meditation.” What would be on your list?

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Today was a great day. I had gotten quite a bit of grading done and had papers to pass back to the kids. I had some fun activities planned for my classes. Plus, I was wearing a really cute outfit (if I do say so myself). My lunch was even delicious. You know, one of those days when everything is going your way.

That is, until I was walking to my car after school and I FELL on the asphalt.

Ouch-this-fucking-hurts hard.

The strangest thing about it is that I had just sort of tripped as I was coming down from the curb outside my room and I thought to myself, “wow, it’s a good thing I didn’t fall. I’m wearing a skirt and that would’ve been –” I hadn’t even completed my thought and I was already on the ground.  Go ahead, laugh.  I would too if I were you.

Luckily, there were very few kids around, and none of them laughed. One girl even came over to see if I was ok, which I said I was. I thought that the only thing hurt was my pride, but I was wrong.

As I was driving home, my right leg started really throbbing. Almost like it was on fire. When I finally got home and looked at it, it was pretty badly scratched up. Nothing that I won’t get over, but still, at 35 you feel pretty silly when you fall.

I used to trip and fall all the time a few years ago. I thought that maybe it could be attributed to a lot on my mind or wearing bad shoes. Then I didn’t fall for quite a while, and I thought that maybe it had something to do with being in better shape or having lost some weight. Now that I fell again today (and actually, almost fell on Friday, but I caught myself mid-trip), I’m thinking that maybe it does have something to do with being overweight and out of shape. I’m hoping that once I start kicking my workout program into high gear I’ll be in much better shape, I’ll lose weight, and maybe I won’t be so klutzy. Or, it really could be the shoes, because I did have on sandals both days.

Who knows. My leg aches, but I’ll live. At least I got a blog entry out of it, right.

Here’s the “owie” to see the damage yourself:


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Now this is one patron saint I should’ve been praying to for a while!! I just found out about the quirkiest website, and I thought I’d share it for those of you who (like me) are trying to lose weight for good.

It’s called Our Lady of Weight Loss, and it’s just plain fun.

I signed up for the weekly newsletter, The Kick in the Tush Club to remind me to stay on track with my weight loss.

The woman behind the site has lost 50 pounds and kept it off for 5 years, so some of her kitsch must be sound advice.  Either way, it’s a fun site that reminds, ” All is Forgiven, Move On.”

If only all things in life were so simple.

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This is going to be a quick one because I’ve wasted enough time today on everything but what I should be doing — grading essays that I’ve had for more than a month.  In fact, I have a moving box filled with work to grade before the end of the school year, and I’m running out of time to get it all done.

So, now you see why I’m having terrible tension headaches, right?  But does this get me to do anything besides feel guilty?  Not really.  I seem to find a million and one other things to do besides just sitting my butt down and going through the papers.  It’s like I have ADHD or something.  I can’t sit still, I can’t focus, I get up and down every 10 minutes.  My avoidance and procrastination are getting to be an art form.  But, I keep telling myself, when I’m on my death bed at 90 years old, am I really going to say that I wish I would’ve graded those papers a bit quicker?  No, I’m going to wish I had more fun times with friends and family.  This type of thinking is the slippery slope I’ve been on that has allowed me to leave the essays “until later.”  Well later is now, my friends.

As for the Evite mania, I just love making Evites.  I made two today, and I’m actually trying to think up reasons to make some more.  I love  figuring out the event, choosing a cool design, making the guest list — the whole thing.  I should really give up this teaching gig and just become the party/event planner I was born to be.  But then I guess getting this masters would be sort of a waste, right?  Hmmm…maybe after a few more years.

Ok, enough wasted time.  I hear 87 research papers calling my name.  Knew I shoulda kept it unlisted!!!

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In the last month, 3 guys who I thought I’d said goodbye to have contacted me.

Is it the time of year when these guys want to “try it again” and see if things will work out this time? Are they lonely? What’s up?

Some of the contact has been welcomed, such as the casual fun with Mr. Done. Others, not so much.

Like The Short Man who’s IMing me right now to tell me how much he misses me and wishes things could’ve worked out. Trying to tug at the old guilt-strings, I guess. “Even tho things did not work out between us I’m glad you gave me a chance you will always be a special memory for me. At least we tried to make it work, I will always think of you as very beautiful and very sweet.” (his spelling and sentence structure). We went out for 2 weeks, and I think I knew after a few dates that it just wasn’t going to work for me. One reason, I’ll admit, is because he’s my same height, and I’m only 5’4″. Call me vain, call me superficial, call me whatever you’d like, but I want the guy I’m dating to be taller than me, since that’s not too hard to find. I want to be able to wear any size heels I want and not worry about it. But, seriously, if we would’ve been more well-suited for each other, I don’t think his height would’ve bothered me one bit. He was just too clingy, too needy. Plus the fact that he didn’t really have a job. He “worked for his dad,” who is a successful commercial real estate agent in San Francisco. Although Mr. Short Man be done with work at 1pm on a week day. Something just doesn’t add up.

Then there’s my Italian Crush. Now things with Italian Crush seemed to have some potential. He is a very good looking, down to earth guy who is 100% Italian, just like me, so we understood our upbringing and ways of relating to family, food, etc. Sure he had some interests that I didn’t share, like guns. He was really into owning and maintaining guns. I’ve always felt that guns only belong in the hands of police officers and military personnel, but that’s just me. I’d never own a gun, nor would I necessarily want to have one in my home. But, hey, everyone’s different, so if Italian Crush liked guns, so be it. He and I related to each other very well, and we seemed to have a mutual attraction. He took me to a Halloween party that his cousins were giving, and I had a great time. Everything seemed to be going well in the month or so we dated, until he told me that I’d be a perfect girlfriend once I lost weight. WTF? How do you say that to someone? I told him that was so superficial; it would be like me telling him that he’s great and perfect for me, except that he doesn’t make enough money. Anyway, he recently called to invite me to go shooting with him at a local shooting range. I told him that I couldn’t make it because of my schedule. Although, it is something that might be fun to try once in life. Then he invited me to come to his house for a bbq. He and his cousin just bought a house, and he really wants me to see it. “I’ll even make you dinner. And you can relax in our hot tub.” Oh, ya, right, I’m going to get in a hot tub with you after you told me you think I’m too fat to be your girlfriend? I think not. I told him that I wasn’t really sure, and he said, “well, c’mon, we can hang out even if we’re not dating, right? I like you and really want you in my life.” Ugh. Not sure exactly what to do about this one. For the moment I pushed his invitation off into “rain check status,” so we’ll see if he calls again to connect.

So, I ask, what is going on? Why are all of these faces from the past coming back? I don’t want to go backwards or repeat patterns — I’m looking forward, moving ahead. It just makes me wonder who else is lurking in the shadows, about to reveal themselves to me.

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An update

I’m not going to get into graphic detail here, since this is not that kind of blog.

Let’s suffice it to say that I had a really great night with Mr. Done. He was as charming and funny as ever and we got along as if nothing had ever happened. It wasn’t strange or weird between us, as I was worried it might be. We both acted like old friends who hadn’t seen each other in a few months.

He asked how everything in my life was going. I asked about his trip to Turks & Caicos and his work. We chatted about The Sopranos. Normal stuff. I’m happy that I was able to enjoy his company without thinking, “well maybe this could work out between us.” That thought never entered my head. I was totally into the moment, not thinking about tomorrow or next week or next year. That’s such a rare thing for me, because I find myself constantly looking ahead, striving for something that is about to happen. Last night was all about the present – the here and now. It was great.

After we’d had some fun, Mr. Done suggested we go get something to eat. This guy does have class, that’s for sure.  Mr. Done didn’t make it feel too casual, although it didn’t feel like a date either. It was just a fun time with some food afterwards.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself and didn’t feel one ounce of regret. I woke up relaxed and rejuvenated. Guess I can call that a successful evening.

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Last night CTLB and I presented our spring exhibition project to our grad school class. Our assignment was to create our perfect school, focusing on instructional program, depth vs. breadth, cycles of inquiry, teacher evaluation processes, summative and formative assessments, what a graduating student would know and be able to do, a senior project, and habits of mind. There was a bit more to the assignment, but that’s the gist of it. I don’t want to bore the non education people out there.

Rather than just present a boring powerpoint, I came up with the idea of creating a school website in order to present our materials. (For our last exhibition, we created an iMovie, so we felt that we had a reputation to keep up in the creativity department). We worked hard to create the content and put the site together. We finished the site on Saturday afternoon and felt so excited about presenting it on Monday afternoon.

We were schedule to go first, so we got there early and set everything up. The room in which we were presenting has an in-focus machine installed on the ceiling, with the cords installed into a podium. I set my MacBookPro up, tested that I could get on the internet, and adjusted the size of the display. It was all set up and ready to go.

Ready until a teacher from another group decides that he wants to make sure his computer will work, so he unplugs mine and starts testing it out. The thing that kills me about this is that we used this same room last time, so there would be no reason why his computer shouldn’t work. Plus, each team had 5 minutes in order to set up for their presentation.

I’m sure you can see where this is going, but once I replugged the computer up to all of the technology, my computer froze, I couldn’t get on the internet, and the display wasn’t coming up. I started to panic inside, but wanted to keep it cool and collected on the outside. Luckily CTLB remained calmer than me. I really had no idea what we were going to do. We had worked so hard and prepared so well, and now our worst nightmare was coming true.

The team that was supposed to go next offered to present in our place so that we could figure out our computer issues. They had a Mac as well, and wouldn’t you know that they couldn’t get the in-focus machine to display their powerpoint either? Somehow that other teacher had screwed up the in-focus, but none of us could figure out how to fix it. A third team had brought a backup in-focus, so the second group was able to present. The problem with the backup in-focus is that the display was really small, because the table it was on couldn’t be moved back too far (no extension cord to plug in).

The third team went, and was able to use the podium in-focus without problems. (They had a PC). I started to have hope that we’d be able to use it, too. All of the other teams went and then it was finally our turn. We tried to use the podium again, but my computer still wouldn’t work. One of the other teams let us borrow their laptop (a PC) and we were able to present.

Both CTLB and I are pros, so we did a great job with our presentation. We weren’t nervous or flustered at all. We were proud of the material we were presenting, and thought it came across. Then we finished and got the comment sheets from the other teams. They were all really impressed with the information and our hard work, but thought the display of the website was too small. (The PC showed the display much smaller than my Mac was set to). I was hurt that the other groups chose to nitpick, especially because they saw how much we had struggled with the technology.

Our evaluator told us that we had done “exceptionally well,” which translates into an A on the presentation, hopefully.

At this point, it wasn’t even about our grade anymore. Both CTLB and I had this really awful feeling of letdown, rather than the relief we thought we’d feel knowing that we were done with our first year of grad school. We were so excited about our website, and knew that we rocked the assignment. We were confident in being able to put together a really kickass presentation. Because of this, we had this false feeling of failure when it didn’t work out as well as we had hoped.

This seems to be a recurring issue for me. I have such high expectations and get so excited about things, and sometimes I’m let down. I’m not saying that I want to change this outlook, though. I like that I go into things being really fired up and into it. I’m glad that I have high expectations of myself because it’s one of the reasons I’ve gone so far in my life. It’s just hard when things don’t work out the way you hope for, especially when you’ve planned and perfected everything. Or so you think until life sets you straight.

We came back to my house and drank a bottle of this great Spanish red I had bought a few weeks ago. Vino Sin Ley (which translates to “outlaw wine” or “wine without laws”). Delicious, smooth, and full-bodied. We started to deconstruct the night, but then when the wine kicked in, we dropped our bad feelings and started talking about life; something we hadn’t done in so long because we had been so focused on (and consumed by school). CTLB and I have only known each other for 3 years, but she is by far one of my closest friends. Last night we had the opportunity to talk about everything — religion, our families, hopes for the future, our childhoods, etc. No topic was off limits, and it felt so good to sit outside and enjoy the warm night air with a few glasses of wine and several ciggies. At one point, the owner of the Ethiopian restaurant next door came and brought us out two glasses of honey wine. The stuff tasted awful, but it was such a sweet gesture. We took a few courtesy sips and then dumped most of it into a nearby garbage can. We left just a few drops in the glasses, in case the owner came back out and wanted to see us “enjoying our wine.”

When I woke up this morning and started thinking about everything in the shower (the place I do my best thinking), I realized that if you put it into perspective, we did an amazing job on our final exhibition. We had a fully functioning website that not only looked amazing, but had incredible content, as well. We poured all of our knowledge and effort into it, and it shows. All of our friends and family who viewed the site loved it. They were so impressed and proud of us. And most importantly, we were so proud of ourselves. Small problems with technology and some overly critical comments from our classmates shouldn’t take any of that away.

CTLB said she had the same feeling today. She said that if the people in our class really cared to see the site better, they could, since we included the links in our handouts. Plus, all that matters is that we know we did an amazing job, and our colleagues, friends, and families all had wonderful things to say.

Today, as I write this, I do feel relieved. My life can get back to normal…well, somewhat. I still have tons of essays to grade before this school year is over, but I’ll have more time to concentrate on all of that now. I learned so much this year from my grad school program, and really, that’s what counts.

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